Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ching Chong points out things to me

So time for star wars recap.

>We made popcorn and I put mustard on mine
>Put in a New Hope
>She asks me why Tarkin blew up Alderaan when it was an important core world with a population of 2 billion without any contact of his superiors.
>My response: Alderan was full of traitors who got what was coming to them
>Asks why when they follow Han, Luke, and Leia in the Falcon to Yavin they don't just destroy the gas planet and thus have the moon and the rebel base destroyed.
>My response: Because
>Asks why all the other professional pilots are worried about shooting a two meter target but Luke and his friends did it for fun.
>My response: Outer Rim master race
>Movie ends
>She still wants more
>Put in Empire strikes back
>She loves it no criticism
>Put in Return of the Jedi
>Asks how why they rebuilt the Death Star so easily
>My Response: Empire Strong
>Asks why all the other Wookiees are half the height of Chewy
>My response: To sell toys
>Asks if the Empire still survives the defeat at Endor
>My Response: go into my room and pull out my copy of Heir to the Empire
>Give it to her
>Is still reading it now

She's taken her first steps in a much larger world.

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