Sunday, April 7, 2013

purple and green-daily dose

Me and Ching Chong have been doing pretty good.

She's doing pretty well with her treatment. Doing some biofeedback stuff. Her therapist had her hooked up to this Electromyogram device to test to see measure her muscle tension to see how stressed she was. I was out in the waiting room, asleep actually. Anyway after Ching Chong got done with her appointment she came back to the waiting room and grabbed hold of my arm and started leaving, not knowing I was asleep. So I was pulled out of the chair I was sitting in as well as my slumber all pretty quickly when I hit the ground. Gave me a bit of a start waking up on the floor with what eventually become a bruise on my forehead..

She was quite flustered about the whole thing. Insisted on being the one to drive us home and putting neosporyin on it. I wanted to just tell her I was fine, but she can be stubborn about such things.

St. Patrick's day was a bit different this year. We didn't go out drinking but suffice to say there was a green substance present as we celebrated the expulsion of the druids from Ireland by some Englishman. Also since we were with friends we got to play a couple fun games, like this wacky thing happens in your life how do you respond. More specifically Ching Chong got asked what she would do if me and her switched bodies. Now she was quite baked at this point, so her response was not exactly intelligible.

The only word she got out between her bouts of laughter was dicks. The next day when I asked her about that she just blushed and said to stop being "lewd". I think she was saying she would have fapped, but I can't be sure.

Then there was he Birthday. I took her out to a restaurant, specialized in Sonoran cuisine. I kind of played a mean trick on her because I told the hostess to tell the waiter to only take our orders in Spanish. Now while skill in the language isn't the best, Ching Chong can't speak it at all. So when the waiter came to our table and asked us ¿Quieres algo de beber? Well Ching Chong was confused and just try to point to things on the menu. I thought it was pretty hilarious. She didn't find it as funny as I did. I got her a present, A lego TIE-fighter, she likes it. Actually picks it off the shelf and flies it around making flying and laser noises. However before the night was over she made sure I was punished for my joke.

She eventually caught me and after the punishment my wrists were pretty chaffed and there were a number of new bite marks on my body.

Easter I got her some candy and she more or less went on a binge with it. Actually ate my chocolate bunny. She vomited though, so I guess that makes it okay.

April fools was, well interesting. I didn't play a joke on Ching Chong because I was afraid she'd punish me for it. Ching Chong on the other hand though. Well, that was a different story.

She told me she was going to fuck me in the ass and gave a detailed and explicit explanation of what she would do to it and what would happen to my ass. I'll just sum it up with one line she said.

"The red magma that is your blood will erupt from the brown earth inside your asshole as I plunge into you again and again". Granted it was a joke but I've never been so scared for my butt before.