Monday, November 19, 2012

You will never get to be a Wookiee Sith lord.

Hey everyone sorry it's been awhile since I updated but Ching Chong's been pretty energetic because she's excited we're heading to my family's house for thanksgiving this year again.

Let's see where to start?

Oh I know Ching Chong and I have been watching Walking Dead again. We're both pretty happy Lori died, she was dragging the rest of the group down. Sad that T-Dog died, but I guess they can only have one black guy at a time. Also Andrea is a slutty bitch whore in Ching Chongs opinion, I'm inclined to agree. Sword girl is pretty cool though, though her swordsmanship seems unrealistic. Glen and Maggie are probably gonna get tortured. Speaking of torture though......

So I'm laying on the couch after getting home from work just relaxing. Then out of nowhere Ching Chong climbs on top of me and starts tickling my ribs. I laugh while trying to push her hands away to get free but she's determined. Realizing I won't be able to escape her I start begging for her to stop in between involuntary chuckles. Ching Chong says she'll let me go if I offer her my body. No in a position to negotiate for anything I concede to her demands. Alas she begins her tickle assault on me again mid-coitus, all the while saying that I'll be punished if I ejaculate before she wishes.

Not sure if cute or lude but I thought I'd share it.

Anyways after the deed is done we cuddle with each other for awhile. Eventually Ching Chong looks me in the face and bluntly asks if she's "weird". I ask here what she's talking about and she says sometimes she wonders if I'd prefer her if she was in her words "More like other girls, and less bothersome". It was this time I tossed her on her back and said "How's this for bothersome" as I started my own tickle torture session. Which caused he to swear vengeance upon me. It was fun.

Changing subjects to things that aren't fun though. Ching Chong downloaded the S.S. Tortanic. Her reasoning was that it was free to play and it was Star Wars. The graphics are pretty low save for the cut scenes which is where I suspect most of the budget went to, well that and the purchase of child sex slaves. Anyway the gameplay is fairly restricted if you don't want to pay. Now one thing people like to say is that TOR has the most VA's and spoken lines of any game or something. Now while that is true some of the dialogue is a tad cliched in certain istances. Giving me this kind of image.

I'll post sometime next week regarding our Thanks Giving day stuff. In the meantime complain about how it's bullshit you can't play as a species that isn't a human re-color.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Mother is 2spooky

Okay guys I've got a number of things to write about so bare with me.

Okay first up let's go with Ching Chong's reaction to the news of Disney buying Lucasarts and the announcement of a new Star Wars trilogy. Okay so Ching Chong was the first one to find out. Her reaction was pretty energetic. She was just throwing out words and happy sounds in both Korean and English and I couldn't understand what she was saying. I actually thought she was going to rape me.

But then she calmed down a bit and said "New Star Wars" while pulling me over to her computer and pointing at the screen which was displaying a news article detailing the deal. My response was bueno. But before you ask what me or Ching Ching think the movie is going to be about I can already tell you it's not going to be the Thrawn trilogy made into a film, or any EU work adapted for the big screen. Why? Because the execs have said it's going to be an original (whatever that means in film nowadays) story that takes place something like forty to two hundred years after Return of the Jedi. Now here's our respective wishlists for the new films.

Has a main character
Said character is a fish out of water who's new to the larger galaxy so the film explains shit to the audience.
Character may or may not be force user, but don't have them be a space messiah. Or at least explain what the fucking prophecy means.
Pick a tone and stick with it. No going from horrible murder to slapstick comedy in the next scene.
Get a tolerable director, screenwriter, ect.

Ching Chong's wishlist
No complex intergalactic space politics
Character's motivations are clear and understandable. Cute girls do cute things because they're cute, not because their mind is being controlled by a sith lord to fulfill some weird convoluted plan.
Characters show emotions and don't speak like droids.
Don't make the main character part of the Skywalker/Solo clan
Less sitting and talking more running and shooting
No super weapons

Now moving on from that I'll explain what we did for Halloween.

Well I took the day off of work because I could. Now we didn't hand out candy this time because only a few people came this year so we didn't see the point. Now because Halloween was on a weekday most of my friends couldn't really do anything so we stayed home and watched spooky movies. We watched Dark Water, Poltergeist, and the Sixth Sense. Dark Water didn't really scare her that much, but Poltergeist did for whatever reason. Ever that or she just wanted to wrap herself around me. Hard to tell sometimes. Anyways she thought that the kid in the sixth sense was a demon because he could see ghosts and that was the twist. When the actual twist became apparent she became confused. She wanted to know how he got past the big ass church doors if he's a ghost. Other than that Halloween was pretty uneventful  I do have some cute stories for you guys though.

So the nights are getting a bit colder around here and me and Ching Chong we're in bed and she was saying she was cold and that she wanted me to heat. So purposely being dense I told her I'd get an extra blanket. This caused her to grab my arm as I got up. And the way she looked at me I knew this was only going to end one way.

Well maybe not cute so much as borderline rape, but eh.

This one is cute though. So Ching Chong was making diner and we've been getting a number of political robo calls for the past couple weeks because the election is coming up. Ching Chong finds these to be fairly annoying, especially since quite a large number of them are anti-abortion ads. Now I don't think I need to explain to you how Ching Chong feels about that subject. So she's gotten two calls already today, the last one not too long ago. Well the phone rings and she quickly picks it up without even looking at the caller ID and starts yelling that if they call again she'll they "Rip a baby out of someone's womb and shove it up their asshole". Well it wasn't a recorded message on the phone. No. It was my mother. She had called to ask if we were still planning on coming over there to have Thanksgiving with the rest of my family. A few seconds after Ching yelled that her face turned from an expression of rage to one of a deer caught in the headlights.

She then started to stutter apologies before handing the phone to me. I picked up the phone and tried not to laugh as Ching Chong looked down at her feet in shame. So while trying to hold in chuckles I explained the situation to my mother. She was more confused than angry. Though she did tell me that she expected better behavior from her "future daughter in-law". Then I was the one stuttering with the surprised look on my face as my mother laughed across the phone line. She told me she was just joking but I'm not sure I believe her.

No I didn't tell Ching Chong about the daughter in law comment.