Sunday, July 8, 2012

The only reason people like Vulcans is because of Spock.

So I tried talked to Ching Chong about what she had planned for my birthday, but she said she couldn't say because it was a surprise. I tried to get her to spill the secret but to no avail. She's determined not to tell me, not even sexual offers worked. The only thing I did get out of here was that it was going to, "make up for all the birthdays she hasn't been there for".  So she's got something important planned, which I'm not sure what that entails. Could be anything from cake to rape, probably both. I'm kind of worried she'll probably end up  trying too hard to impress me.

Moving on from that looming horizon though. I showed her Star Trek just a couple of episodes from TNG and DS9. Things like Best of both Worlds, Who watches the Watchers, Sins of the Fathers, Duet, Far beyond the Stars, and Trials and Tribble-ations. She enjoyed them, especially duet, made her cry like a baby. Though one thing she couldn't wrap her head around was the prime directive. She didn't understand why the federation shouldn't uplift other civilizations before they develop warp technology. I tried to explain it to her but gave up. Mostly because I myself don't believe in the prime directive myself. Seriously if humanity can benefit from interacting with another civilization why should it matter whether they have a warp drive or not? It's a stupid rule, probably from the Vulcans, because they don't allow fun of any kind.


  1. They explain why it's so important once or twice in TNG, but go on to break the rule far more times, so I guess it's not that important. Usually it's Bev Crusher who does it, but she's a dumb bitch anyway.

  2. Because benefit is subjective and the Federation doesn't want to be responsible if a civilization doesn't take to intervention.

    1. But other societies aren't going to abide by those rules. I mean if the Romulans find a warrior species to elevate into cannon fodder to use against us why should we not be allowed to do the same thing? Besides think of all the resources we could have if we didn't have the prime directive. Now you may say that's exploitation of the native species, but that's the point. Why shouldn't humanity colonize or conquer everything it can? Is that not our destiny to manifest? Because the Terran empire was badass, at least before bearded Spock got to it and had the Klingons and Cardasians rape it up the butt.

      I don't know why I feel so strongly about this.

    2. To abide by the prime directive is only done because the power holders in the Federation either believe it is just or because they would lose power if they opposed it. Perspective is everything and the morality of the prime directive is both right and wrong depending on who you are. Resources aren't a problem as the Federation is usually presented as a post scarcity society. If nothing else, why change what's worked thus far.

      I used to be support intervensionism under the presumption that intervention would go according to my own beliefs.

      My beliefs changed however, after I read a few of Iain Banks books from 'The Culture' series. The series is set in the authors very own vision of Utopia, which he honestly believes to be the perfect world. For me however it was a horror story, essentially it is a culture of excessive hedonism that forcibly converts other planets into it's own culture and puts anyone who doesn't want to live like them into virtual realities where they can live in a fake version of their own idea of perfect civilization. It was like the Brave New World taken to extremes, though with forced virtual reality rather than suicide as the only escape.

      Take for example in Egypt recently; the Islamist parties are the most popular and have gained control of the parliament. It might not sit well with most westerners who, like I used to, would pretensiously believe the people are being oppressed, and while I myself would not want to live under Sharia law, I know that to them "The West" is a lot like "The Culture" is to me.

      I still believe in intervention when my own values are under threat, however I no longer believe I'm morally right about doing so. I suppose it's a fairly marxist view, there is no justice, or everything is just because it happens.

      Sorry for rambling, I guess I feel strongly about this too.

      On a FAR more serious note, get her to watch The Inner Light. Then ask her if she thinks you're just part of a dream she's having.

  3. This is a weird comments section.

    Ching Chong hwaiting~~~!

  4. You still alive dude?

    1. Yeah, just nothing interesting has been happening.

    2. How the hell is it possible for nothing interesting to happen while living with Ching Chong?

    3. Well nothing really out of the ordinary. I mean I could make a post saying.

      >Ching Chong and I had sex
      >The marks on my back are still there
      >Just glad Ching Chong didn't try to lick the blood

      But I don't know, I feel that would be too short for a proper post.


    why is your avatar on this website

  6. don't really have an insane korean girlfriend, do you.


    lol you don't really have a gf

  8. Hey newfags, you guys should probably read previous comments in previous posts, we've been through the avatar shit before.

  9. To be fair man that was back in September, which was like 30 generations ago.

  10. so why are her eyes censored

    are you running out of excuses?

  11. If you don't believe it you don't have to be here you know. Why are you so keen on trying to prove this? It's not like doing so will earn you anything.

  12. Okay you got me man. She's not Korean at all, she's an alien from a planet on the other side of the galaxy. Is this what you wanted to hear?

  13. mr robert wayne stilesJuly 24, 2012 at 4:39 PM


  14. OMG are you fucking joking. Did you click the link, do you know how to read.

    Why do you even care? You're either mad jelly or know someone who you think might be ching chong in which case he should definitely not reveal her identity on the internet, which what be fucking stupid in the first place.

    Leave if you don't want to be here.

  15. mr robert wayne stilesJuly 27, 2012 at 12:21 AM

    pls stfu anon. i am conducting an internet investigation into white males with "yellow fever" and my investigations have come up with the theory that white people pretend to have special socially retarded asian girlfriends so they can feel like they're looking after somebody vulnerable, possibly because they have pedophillia fetishes of having a daughter they fuck.

    my ultimatum to the blog hoster - please upload a picture of your "girlfriend" if you are worried she will use tineye to find this blog then distort the picture so it doesn't show up. thankyou and goodbye.

  16. An ultimatum implies you cab do something if he doesn't comply. I think you're just jelly and believing that she doesn't exist helps you deal with your own empty existence.

  17. mr robert wayne stilesJuly 29, 2012 at 12:18 PM

    shut up I have a job as a private investigator and my girlfriend is WHITE AND PURE.

    please stop fellating the blog-owner who is an interracial pervert.

    suck butts.

  18. So, when's your birthday?

  19. >Interracial pervet
    >White and pure

    Go back to /pol/.
