Sunday, November 23, 2014

All aboard the lewd train WHOO WHOO!

Well time for cute stories huh?

So me and Ching Chong were watching witchcraft works because well you can figure out why. Ching Chong was confused why the main character wasn't taken home by the love interest earlier. In her words, "she's bigger she can just throw him over her shoulder". I also asked her if I was her princess. She said no because sluts can not be princesses, but that I was her slut and that was better than being a princess because it was lewder. Then she ruffled my hair for awhile.

It's also finally gotten colder around here now so she's made start wearing a jacket when we're outside even though it's not really that chilly, long pants too. Although when we're home she doesn't have me wear too much even if it is a bit cold. So I wondered if she just didn't want people to be able to see my body. I asked her this and she said yeah, that it was hers and other people looking at it was akin to stealing. I then asked her if there was anything else she hadn't told me about lately. She thought for about a minute and then said "you smell different when you're sleeping".
It made me blush a lot for some reason, which only made her hornier. So at the end of that day I ended up smelling like salty coins and milk.

Sorry it's short but hey you got it twice in one month.


  1. Dawwww this is great.

  2. Is there going to be a new years story?

  3. Or Christmas with family now you are a your girlfriends waifu?

  4. Valentines Day story?

  5. Hey man are you ok?

  6. Live dam you! LIVE!!

  7. I will post everyday until you return.

  8. I will post everyday until you return.

  9. I will post everyday until you return.

  10. I will post everyday until you return.

  11. I will post everyday until you return.

  12. I will post everyday until you return.

  13. Ching Chong finally killed him, hasn't she.

  14. He is killed, never posted a valentine's story.

  15. He had the same fate as Nat. Rip

  16. Ah well twas fun well it lasted. If this was all true I suppose the story had a happy ending, if it was all an elaborate work of fiction at least we were entertained.

  17. Ah well, I guess it's all over. It was nice while it lasted at least

  18. Well, I guess that's that. Still, at leas you guys seem pretty happy!

  19. I hope they're happy wherever they are. This one lasted a lot longer than Kitten or Blind GF. I did prefer submissive ching chong to crazy possessive ching chong though.

  20. Hope the best for you guys.

  21. I never heard of the other blogs, this was the only one that I followed. Kinda feels sad that it didn't get a proper ending; but I guess that leaves me free to imagine that they're still happy together, watching Netflix and chilling.

  22. We're gonna miss you, pal.

  23. It has now been a full year. Rest in peace.

  24. Hope they had a good christmas

  25. To the writer of this blog,

    I know you're probably long dead or too busy being happy to notice or care those of us still here, but I felt like telling my thoughts to the four winds. My own selfish little whims can't be denied, right?

    I just want to say your story is beautiful. Maybe not in a traditionally romantic sense, maybe not even to my sensibilities 100%, but I could still tell there was real love.

    I guess I'm sad to see it go. I know it's selfish to ask that you recount, and by extension share, your happiness with the huddled unwashed masses, but reading about your strong bonds warmed my heart. Hearing just how right things can go in a cruel and lonely world tugged at my greasy little heartstrings.

    Someday, I hope you can truly say "goodbye forever, you lonely faggots, I have the rest with Chingchong ahead of me."

    You're on the ship right now Frodo, all you have to do is give the other hobbits your last farewell.

  26. One day he will return. I believe in true love.

  27. I have been following since the beginning, are you still there?

  28. I need closure, COME BACK ALREADY!

  29. I hope you're living a happy life together

  30. It's officially been five years. I hope you guys are doing okay, man. I know me and a lot of others would love an update.

  31. Kinda crazy how fast time goes by. I commented on here 5 years ago and remember reading through all of this one summer night when I just couldn't get to sleep. Hope time has been good to you and chingchong, OP.

  32. man, Its been a long time. I remember reading this and being happy at all the adventures.

    even though ive grown into a very cynical adult since then i still hope you the writer of these tales realizes the happiness they brought to people. Also the fact that i will probably for the rest of my life check back every few years to see if there was an update even though the password has probably been long forgotten ha ha.

  33. Also becuase fuck it, the only people who will ever read this are also huge dorks who read a story about a guys love life wit his yandere girlfriend 6 years ago at this point reading the comments.

    hey everyone, hope all of you are doing well. Wishing you all the best.

  34. Hope you both survived memeflu lmao

  35. hi you all. It's good to know there's some appreciate yandere fans out there. I first heard of this on r9k and there just isnt anything comparable rn. It's sad. I dunno.

  36. It's been 7 years, Link.

  37. pls come back I've been waiting almost a decade for closure ;_;
