Thursday, September 13, 2012

I don't think I can come up with a witty title for this.

So I tried to get Ching Chong to make friends. I think I can say operation amity and harmony failed. Mostly because Ching Chong tended to freeze up when speaking to new people and hide behind me. She would be talking rather hesitantly to someone and then just stop mid sentence and but me between them. Suffice to say people were a bit weirded out and I had to try and explain that situation to some perplexed individuals. I just told them she thought she was speaking English incorrectly and got really embarrassed. After class I asked Ching Chong what the hell happened. She was hesitant to say anything but finally said, "I don't want friends, I have anon. If I spent time with them then I'd have less time with anon".

Then she put on a happy face and acted like nothing happened as I just stood there in stunned silence. So yeah, failure.

I was perplexed and bamboozled, but I was curious so I later asked her about this a bit more. And I learned some very interesting things. I could just lay out the conversation we had but I think it will make more sense if I reveal this information by telling about Ching Chongs past some more.

I've already said that Ching Chong didn't have the best situation at home and that her first relationship did not go well at all and that because of that she got picked on by other kids. Well I never went into great detail. They were incredibly cruel. Holding her down and writing whore on her forehead with marker, trying to strip her in front of others, would steal stuff from her locker and desk, write nasty letters about her and leave them on her desk. Group work was hell for her, other students would refuse to work with her and the teacher had to force them to work with her. Which in the end only made the situation worse as it drew attention to her. She became pretty depressed and was considering doing some very rash things. Well that was until she decided to try and use some magic spell thing she found on the internet.  She took an apple and a knife, and stand before her mirror. Then sliced the apple into pieces. Stuck some pieces on the point of the knife and held it over her left shoulder. Then looked in the mirror. Now the point of this little ritual is so you will see a vision of your future spouse appear behind you to take the apple. Guess who she claimed to see? Yeah. No I don't personally put much stock in superstitions or such things, but Ching Chong, well she's a different case. From there on she set about making sure she set about doing her best to in school so she could go learn over seas. Yeah she came here to find some pale red haired faggot who she allegedly saw in a mirror.

Anyways she eventually did arrive in the states and took that history class not so long ago where she saw me. Now at first she wasn't sure how to proceed and she was waiting for me to make the first move. Well waiting might not be the right word seeing as she stalked me and what not.  But when I lost that job and needed a new place to live well, she pounced on that opportunity.

Ching Chong didn't tell me this before because she thought it might scare me away. I wasn't sure what to think at first. But then i realized that with all the other stuff Ching Chong has done that this is just another one of those interesting stones on the rocky road to something something cheap metaphor.



  1. I'd be hesitant to tell you about this too, being a wiccan piece of shit is way worse than trying to feed you cookies she spit in. My sister did some stupid shit like this too and I consider it the gayest thing she's ever done(and she was a naruto fan). But all in all I think your girlfriend is a pretty cool guy rapes boyfriend and doesn't afraid of Involuntary Psychiatric Interventions Keep posting.

    1. You are a massive faggot. Please end your life.

  2. You're so lucky.
    That is the cutest thing ever.

    1. But which is the cutest part? The I don't want to have friends because it'd take time away from anon, or the love magic destiny part?

    2. Both, but mosty the "Itd take time away from anon" part.
      By the way, im trying not to sound creepy, but ive read every post on this blog twice. Youre like a celebritty to me.

  3. That's pretty fucked up what the other kids did to her back home, actually makes something as crazy as what she did seem kinda justified, and in a way kinda sweet. Seems like a good idea to keep encouraging her to meet and befriend other people though, I don't mean to pass judgement but it surely isn't healthy to go through life with only one companion, as well matched as they may be.

    That being said, what of your own friends? Have you stopped hanging out with them as much since this all started? Shy as someone may be hanging out with the same people repeatedly usually leads to them opening up a bit. At the start of the year my half-Korean friend's (hot as fuck) full Korean female cousin came to Australia to study English; at the start she was full spaghetti mode (awkward, shy and devout christian, compounded by the fact that her english was less than stellar; she still gets her r's and l's mixed up), but after about 3 months of seeing her every other weekend she wouldn't stop talking to me about even the most mundane shit (not that I didn't enjoy the fuck out of every minute of it). sorry for the essay but my point is if things get desperate it may take a little creative manipulation on your part; make a comfortable environment with the most friendly people you know and try to make it a consistent thing, every weekend/fortnight or something, fuck I dunno it's your life.

    Failing that, just sit back and enjoy your living fairytale, you lucky ginger bastard.

    1. Have you had sex with his cousin yet?

      That might work, but I gotta make she doesn't catch on.

    2. Nah she went back to Korea a couple weeks ago. I've made sure to stay in contact on facebook since she got back though, that's probably the best I can hope for at the moment. feels pretty good actually. I'm guessing you're familiar with the Excited!!!:D Korean~~way of typing~~!!:), I can't even begin to explain how much that's grown on me recently. keep in mind she's pretty much the complete opposite of everything you've mentioned about ching chong regarding lewdness, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if she didn't know what semen was and I didn't ask but I'm fairly certain she's a 'marriage before sex/touching/looking' kind of girl.

      The saddest part is I'd probably agree to that ;_;

      Back on topic though, I wouldn't say it has to be something you'd need to control so tightly to the point that you've got anything to hide. Something like 'I made plans with X and Y, you should come too/they want to see you as well', then let nature run its course over time. Make sure they don't look too much like you though, she might fall for them instead and then we'd have nothing to read about.

    3. Were it only that easy, man.

      Best of luck with the weekend, I'm anticipating good news oppa~~:3

    4. Why are you calling me what Ching Chong calls me?

    5. D... Does she really call you that? If so... nice.

      On that note, do you use her Korean name normally, or did she give herself an English one? Or do you just call her Ching Chong all day errday?

    6. Yeah she does, usually when she's really excited or happy. It does mean boyfriend right? She's not calling me her husband or sex slave or something is she?

      I use her Korean name. She just switched her family and given name around to match the western style but otherwise she kept it. Ching Chong is my mental nickname for her. I give people odd names in head, actually makes it easier to keep track of them. It's much easier to remember who sir faps a lot is then Gerald.

  4. I really feel for your girlfriend even more now.
    Continue to treat her right, bro. She needs every bit of that red-haired love of yours.

  5. If you can't have a soul, let her share hers lol.
    Joking aside bro, the Anon above had a pretty good idea with making it a semi-weekly thing with hanging out with friends to get her to open up. Don't force it and don't stop telling her how much you love her.

  6. You know, if she's not nuts, you've got a keeper. If she is nuts, you're on the slippery slope to being homemade Soylent Green. Either way, you probably taste delicious.

  7. All right got something planned Saturday. Operation: Relax Ching Ching into social interaction is now in effect.

    1. God speed, you magnificent bastard.

    2. So, like, has this happened yet? Shouldn't there be an update?

  8. Good luck Ron Weasley, don't make your plan too obvious or you will scare the pooch on this one. Also do post when you get back if a total success (or failure, we will enjoy it just the same)

  9. Pale redheaded dude and Korean chick...

    I have never seen that before, nor am I able to imagine it. My brain 404's when I try to visualize it.

    Good on you, though. Good luck with the friend-making and such.
