Sunday, January 6, 2013

Do they live among us?

Okay it's been nearly a month since I posted I know. But I have a good excuse for that. Me and Ching Chong were spending a lot of time doing really fun things.

We went to see the Hobbit. That was a good movie. I personally think it was better than the Lord of the Rings films. Mostly because Frodo is an anooying shit why Bilbo is a pretty cool guy. Rises to the occasion even though he afraids of everything. Ching Chong's favorite character was Radagast the brown, because he was humorous and silly, also she had trouble remembering the dwarfs names. Which is understandable cause there's a lot of them. But yeah 9/10 film will buy when it comes out on video.

Now how was our Christmas you ask? Pretty good. I got Ching Chong the entire Republic Commando book series. She was pretty pleased with that. I also got her some socks with toe space things on them. You know, the kind that are almost like gloves for your feet. Yeah those. She liked those as well. Ching Chong got me a a necklace. I don't think I've gotten jewelry as a gift before. But it's nice. It looks kind of like a Ying Yang symbol but it's split into three sections and all the fields are black. The lines are silver in color and instead of dots it has holes. I think it's a Buddhist symbol or something. I didn't really ask her what it meant because when she was giving it to me she was blushing and nervous. She also got the last Star Fighter, which is a pretty cool movie if you haven't seen it. And of course there was also the other things we did on Christmas day.

I couldn't tell whether she was taking "vengeance" on me. Because she was rougher than usual, or seemed that way. But maybe she was not.

Anyways we also went to a New Years party. Shit got hard core. Someone put some kind of psychedelic hallucinogen in the drinks, we're not sure who did it, we all want to beat up the person who did though. Luckily I had decided to be the designated driver so I didn't drink anything. Ching Chong was not so lucky though. At first she was just dizzy and was seeing spots and "bendy lights". So I took her home early. She was okay once I got her to sit down. Although she couldn't really focus to well on my voice while I was trying to talk to her and got distracted easily. Then she thought my voice was coming from the little Christmas tree we had yet to put away.

Could have been worse though, could have been much worse.

Oh also Ching and I recently started watching this one tv series that use to air on animal planet. Called the lost tapes. They're all pretty spooky. Anyways we were watching the Bigfoot episode. And Bigfoot was following this park ranger lady while she was investigating bear poaching. Then the poacher showed up and started to harass her, and threaten her. He was proably going to violate her, but then Bigfoot showed up and killed him for messing with his waifu. Ching Chong replied that Bigfoot's actions were justified and she'd do the same. So you know there's that.


  1. Lost Tapes season 1 was pretty good, didn't find much enjoyment in season 2.

    Shame she didn't rape you while seeing all those colors though, that'd be a trip.

    I thought you had gone.

    Could I request the story of you and Ching-Chong's first time?

    1. I could have sworn I posted it on here before. But now I'm not so sure. Guess I'll have to put that in my next post.

  3. Post a picture of the necklace she gave you.

  4. About that necklace...

    Did it look like this?:

    If so, boy do I have some news for you...

    1. Yeah it does. I'm her property now aren't I?

    2. >I'm her property now aren't I?

      >implying you weren't always

    3. Whoa, one of my lady friends actually gave me a piece of one of those too last year. And here I was thinking that I should wear it as a necklace...

  5. >Last Starfighter
    Muh nig

  6. Do you just have a reaction image for every occasion?

    1. I save pretty much every image I come across, so yeah.

    2. How big is your image folder? Not just reaction images, all of them.

    3. 3.1 GB, that's not too large right?

    4. Pff, get on my level, I probably have over 20GB.

  7. So when ARE you going to pop the question?

    1. >implying it won't be Ching Chong who pops the question
      >by which i mean she will kill him in his sleep and eat him
      >later to be found in their apartment drenched in blood and with human meat in fridge, mumbling
      >together forever
      >together forever
      >together forever

      Aren't you afraid she will go all yandere on your ass one day?

    2. >Implying she hasn't already found the blog, killed and ate him, and been posting these blog posts while wearing his face.

    3. I'll ask her when I'm good and ready.

      I'm actually more worried she'll attack someone else.

      Why would you think that anon?

    4. It just seems like something that might happen or might have already happened.

    5. I like how you said "yet." Shows you're not deluded.

  8. Smiley cometh, ching-chong.

    He knows of your transgressions and he is not pleased.

  9. You've probably already found this, but just in case...

  10. Have you read Koharu no Hibi? Show it to Ching chong too.

    1. Yes I have. The ending seemed rushed, but then again if it again going it probably end up losing the light comedic value it had. I might show it to Ching Chong, but she has her own backlog of things right now.

  11. Forget her backlog. You need to know what she thinks about Koharu behaviour.
    Also, I wanna know what she thinks about Mika.

    1. She'd probably think the behavior was completely justified and normal.

  12. You haven't posted in weeks duuuuuuuuuuuuude, don't leave us hanging. Don't want another kitten incident now do we?
