Monday, August 19, 2013

The state of nature is war, so let's tear up this club.

This month has been pretty fascinating. So we told Ching Chong's mother about us and stuff. Well first we had to get her to get Skype and teach her how to make a video call. Anyways she looked at the screen just expecting to see Ching Chong and she saw me sitting right next to her daughter. I tried to say "Hi I'm your daughter's fiance" in Korean, like Ching Chong taught me too, but I fucked that up. She had no idea what I said. So Ching Chong started to explain, and she just sat there listening, just siting there. Then, after Ching Chong was done she began to interrogate me. Well technically Ching Chong translated why she asked questions. I think I figured out which side of the family Ching Chong's temper comes from.

She asked a lot of questions obviously. Who the hell was I. What did I think gave me the right to marry her daughter, ect. However after awhile Ching Chong took over for answering for me, saying that I was her property, that she was going to have me, explaining the uh power dynamics of the relationship. However Ching Chong went a little bit further then that, she also explained the uh....sexual....dynamics. Her mother was pretty shocked by that.

I think her mom took it pretty well all things considered. Now I know you're asking "Anon why would Ching Chong explain her sexual ownership of you to her mother?" Well I asked her the same thing later. She said it was to reinforce the point that she was the one in charge of the relationship. I'm not sure if it was the best way to make her point, but it worked. Her mom no longer thought I was taking advantage of her or pressuring her. Then Ching Chong went further and demanded that she give us her blessing. Her mother was caught off guard by this, but Ching Chong was pretty forceful. Her mother seemed kind of scared of her, like she she thought Ching Chong would come through and beat her up. Ching Chong then pretty much ended the call with her telling her mom that she was going to be the one to tell her father about us cause she didn't want to deal with his "retarded ass".

I don't know how that's going on her end. I mean she called a few times. Actually said a few sentences in broken English to me. One of them was asking if I would be wearing a dress at the wedding. That was, well. Ching Chong said I wouldn't be though because I'm too "tall looking" for dresses. Speaking of too tall.

So you know how it's common for the bride and groom to dance first at the reception. Well even though the wedding isn't until March she wants to learn how to dance with me now. She's not that good at dancing and we've never really slow danced or anything before so it was different. By different I mean really awkward due to height differences. So she put on some heels to try and giver herself a boost. Now I told her dancing with heels was a bad idea. But she didn't want to listen. So she nearly fell a couple of times and I got my toes stepped on. So yeah we'll never be able to suddenly break into song and dance and summon 1960's spider-man with our camp it looks like. I just wonder when this bruise on my big toe is going to go away.


  1. Congratulations, effendi! While you're at the bottom of the relationship, it seems that everything is going well for the both of you, just have to get the rest of the marriage plans sorted out!

    Not to pry, but rather on an encouraging note, I do hope you have the financial part of the wedding figured out. My cousin and his girlfriend are getting married (and that seems like an appropriate person to get married to) will most likely be getting married, and having a Korean wedding. (what kind of wedding will you two be having?) I hoped to contribute greatly if not fully for the wedding costs, but I have no idea how even North American weddings cost, so I am frankly curious to know the scale and event plans for the wedding as well. Not having been to any, I can only imagine what they must be like. (although my writing style is identifiable, the odds that either of them will ever visit this blog is infinitesimal)

    So it turns out that I did pry despite not meaning to initially. Regardless, I hope both of you get what you want in the end from each other and out of this new stage in the relationship, and that you both live a happy, albeit blog-updated life! People here and there do blogs about their married life and whatnot, so it isn't too something that's not excusable, as long as that both parties know and are happy about it.

    From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of the readers, congratulations! May you both live a long and prosperous life.

    1. The average is about $26,000 though some go up to $32,000, so they can be pretty pricey. We've got my parents covering some of the cost, hopefully get Ching Chong's parents to pitch in a little bit, and then we're going cheap on everything. Still going to expensive though. Not going to be able to afford a honeymoon.

      We're going to be doing a more western styled wedding. Though Ching Chong knows the details better than I do. She's the one who's really gotten into the planning and stuff.

  2. Holy shit, your fiance's a badass.
    A crazy badass, but still...

  3. I'm jelly as fuck bro.

  4. Round one to Ching Chong! Next Fight: Can you beat the dragon: Elder Father? In all seriousness I am glad that went well. Negate their worries by insisting that a little Korean women is the boss of you, not bad. So much Jelly.

  5. Definitely start to learn how to dance now, and keep going until the wedding. You'll want to know how to dance for the rest of your life, if you're a Father it'll be expected you know as a BADASS DAD, and you'll both be horny as fuck after each session. Relationship-strengthining, bro.

    Learn now, and if you get good you can move onto Tangos and shit. Impressive the FUCK out of her family.

    What state are you in? I ask because it'll change how far her family will have to travel.

  6. Well, they do say the best defense is a good offense...

  7. I'm confused; at what point did you become a huge beta bitch? How long before she decides to cuck you?

  8. You best post pictures of the wedding

  9. Don't leave us hanging man, make sure to give us some updates on your wedding plans!

  10. Replies
    1. Bumps don't mean shit, just make a real post, man.
