Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hello operator?

So time for a story?

Well I came home today and went to the kitchen to see Ching Chong cooking dinner. Nothing unusual there. go sit down and turn on the news to catch thelater helf of the local segment. Phone rings Ching Chong answers it. Story about a  robbery plays on the TV. Ching Chong is on the phone to someone. I'm not really paying attention to ever. Eventually Ching Chong starts tapping my shoulder says someone want to talk to me on the phone. Get off of the couch and grab the phone. "This is anon speaking", I say to the phone.

Out comes the voice of my half sister, we'll call her J to keep it simple, "hey anon, what's up"? "Uh stars I think", I reply. "Uh huh, so things are going good for you I hear" she says's back. "Yeah things are going okay here", I say not sure of why she's talking like this usually here questions are more direct. "Better than okay from she told me, did you really giver her a piggy back ride"? Oh boy here we go. Not sure what to say I simply say "yeah I did". "Come anon don't be so nervous I'm not going to judge, I'm your sis not your mother". "Sure okay", I respond. "What come why are you still worked up? I just want to talk to you about her, she must really like you to cook diner for you pretty much everyday, or at least what you do in the bedroom." "Wait she told you about that"? "No you did, just now. So how about it, did she get involved or did she lie there like a board"? fgsfds

"I'm just joking, sheesh what happened? You use to be fun anon. Put her back on the phone it I want to talk to her some more." Hastily give the phone back to Ching Chong. She goes back to talking with J. Ching Chong seems to be happy to have the phone back and continues talking to J. I go back to watching the news and see that the weather man says it is going to be hot again. Fuck him and his fucking demon magick. Well news ends and I just start channeling flipping while Ching Chong is making dinner and talking on the phone. Eventually she hangs up the phone and says goodbye. Ching Chong eventually comes over and tell's me J had a message for me. "Oh really"? "Yeah, She told me to say that you need to call her back this week and tell her whether you got your red wings yet". My sister is a troll.

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