Sunday, September 18, 2011

So about the name

I'm pretty sure you're wondering why I refer to her as Ching Chong. Seeing as the words are a pejorative term employed by speakers of the English language to mock speakers of East Asian languages, usually the Chinese. Well that's a good question Rhonda. You see when I first met Ching Chong I just thought she was just a weird girl and a stupid jabbering foreigner. Therefore I just crafted a mental image that was a tad stereotypical. In my defense though she does conform to the stereotype to a degree. Then there was Ching Chong's image of me, which went something like this.

>He said hello to me and made eye contact.
>He wants to become a long term romantic and sexual partner in a relationship with me.
>Even if he doesn't know it yet, I'll show him
>I'll rape it into him if I have to

Luckily for me I did come around to her side of thinking and no rape was required to persuade me.

>INB4 various disappointed comments about the lack of rape.

Will probably make another post tomorrow. Giving some stories of what I've dubbed the stalker stage of our relationship.


  1. So are you a Momusu fan or did you just randomly end up with a picture of JunJun as your avatar?

  2. Wouldn't she get mad if she knew you posted about her being stupid online? I thought she hated being thought of as an idiot.

  3. I wondered when someone would put that picture through tineye. Time to reveal my master plan to protect myself then. You see the reason I chose a Chinese J-pop singer other than the fact she looked nice was because she is of a different ethnicity then Ching Chong. Thus if she were to ever find out about this I would be able to claim that this blog belongs to the boyfriend of JunJun and that she has a similar personality to Ching Chong. I think she'ld beleive that.

    That's why I'm not too afraid of her finding out about what I've written here. Ever that or I've been desenitized to the thought of having a large butcher's knife shoved up my anus for some unknown reason.

  4. I wish I could say I used tinyeye. Dat JunJun is ingrained in my memory for the rest of my poor poor wota life.

  5. So is it safe to say she would be quite upset over this blog? Also I don't think many people bother to comment on the D'awww triumvirate, but there are a decent number of readers. Maybe you'll get some more traffic now that you have anonymous posting (wasn't showing before).

  6. Yeah she would be quite irate, proably end up getting a red power ring, after strangiling me to death with my own intestines of course.
