Wednesday, March 7, 2012

End of Rine

So me and Ching Chong bought Mass Effect 3. Yes buying it, from gamestop, with money, that was ours, that was acquired by the process of wage labor. I'm not proud of it but there it is.

>Walk into gamestop
>Pick up a copy of ME3
>A line has formed in front of the counter
>Take our place in line
>There is a small child in front of us
>He notices the package
>Asks us if we're sure we want that
>"You  can take the blue dialogue option, you go back to Earth. You believe....whatever you want to believe.
> Or you take the red dialogue option.....and I'll show you how deep the butthurt goes..."
>Then he took out a tooth brush and stabbed me in the head and killed me
>It was then Ching Chong realized the kid was actually a bloody Krogan Warlord
>She pulled out Jessi and started shooting.
>The Krogan took cover behind the counter and the other customers ran for cover
>Most of them tripped over their capes and burst into treats
>Others started bleeding out spagetthi when the automated cheese defense system started shooting lasers at them
>As Ching Chong is firing away at the Krogan's cover one of her bullets hits one of the containers for PS3 games, which was actually a cover for black market high grade explosives
>They went off and brought the entire place down on their heads
>Ching Chong was the only one to make it out alive

No but we did buy it from gamestop, the purchase was rather uneventful. 

My general opinion of the game so far

Ching Chong is still holding out hope though. She put a lot of effort into creating the perfect save for it. Cut into her masturbation time quite a bit. We did however come up with a general consensus for a species tier. 

>Glorious master race: Geth

>Bro tier: Krogan and Turians

>Adequate tier: Humand and Salarians

>Too small of a population size to judge tier: Drell, Yahg, and Rachni 

>Usless merchants tier: Elcor and Volus

>Big stupid jellyfish tier: Hanar

>Space gypsies tier: Quarians

>How are these guys still alive tier: Batarians and Vorcha

>Bitch whore slut tier: Asari

>Full retard tier: Reapers

Also Tali's face is horrible it made Ching Chong cry.


  1. Did you tell her Tali's face was a 5 minute photoshop job?

  2. >Playing Ass Effect 3

  3. I played the first one and fucking loved it.

    The second one was...

    This one is...

    It's too much. Damn you, /v/, you glorious bastards. They got it right with this one. Waste of money and a developer that had potential. Damn you EA and damn you Hamburger Helper.

  4. You guys gotta stop going on /v/ or else ur only going to like faggy indie games and what ever Valve shits out.
    I used to go on /v/ so much and began to hate every game I touched. Sometimes they were right but most of the times it was just hating to hate.
    ME3 is pretty nice, didn't have my hopes up to much from the second but this one is a lot better. Also 2nd Anon Hamburger Helper wasn't involved in ME3, look it up. Learn to stop playing games to hate it and make fun of it on /v/'ll enjoy yourself alot more, I know from personal experience.
    This will be the last Bioware game I buy though. Mostly because of Helpers bullshit and everything will be underfunded and not cared about because of Tortanic.

    1. But I do love vigya jaems, don't get me wrong mon amour. I have a stick up my arse about the fact that ME1 was so good and had the potential to be the definitive video game series of the decade. Fresh idea, new gameplay concepts, immersive story and interaction. But then Bioware got lazy with ME2 and shat all over it with ME3 with a deus ex machinima (and essentially copied the Deus Ex ending too).

      The same could be said of DA:O. I loved that game, but the second one? It doesn't bode well for Bioware if they keep on cracking out dating simulators and half-arsed games. Helper should not be hired by Bioware at all, by the way. She writes gay manga not vidya.

    2. but what if one actually dislikes a game
