Monday, May 21, 2012

fucking Solomon Spalding and Ethan Smith

So yesterday was......interesting.

To give you some back story Ching Chong's been keeping in contact with my mother by email. Every couple of days they'll write each other something and respond back. Well anyways Mom was talking about how things were going in her church and blah blah blah typical Mormon stuff. Anyways Ching Chong get's interested and looks up some stuff on google. Well anyways she comes across Celestial marriage, which for you unfamiliar with LDS doctrine it's essentially when a couple goes into a Mormon temple and is sealed together as husband and wife for all eternity. Yeah no until death do you part stuff, this shit be permanent. Oh and you'll get to become god's yourself and govern over your own planet and new life yourself. I'm serious, this is what Mormons believe, it's part of the doctrine called exaltation and it essentially amounts to theological trans-humanism. I've told you guys before how Ching Chong is pretty superstitious before right, what with fan death and what not? Well I'm not sure if it was just her tendency for magical thinking or maybe some eastern syncretism thing but well HFW she told me.

She was very excited by the prospect of being together "forever and ever and ever" as she put it. It was then I had to inform you needed a temple recommend, and how to get one. For reference you need

  • Faith in and testimony of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost,-failed there
  • Testimony of the atonement of Jesus Christ.-here too
  • Testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel.-Also here
  • Sustaining the President of the Church and his authority, and other general authorities and local church leaders.-This too
  • Abstaining from alcoholic beverages and hot drinks (things like tea and coffee)-party time
  • Paying a full Tithe (10% of your income to the church)-lol
  • Living the Law of Chastity.-I don't even need to say anything

Among other things. This was not want Ching Chong wanted to hear. She was pissed. 

I didn't understand what half of what she was yelling and it took about an hour to calm her down. She eventually did though, actually apologizing for her outrage. Then we cuddled for a bit. Afterward I decided to put in the second season of the clone wars and we watched that. Been pretty enjoyable. It's odd when a child's television series is better than the actual live actions movies they're based on. But then again it's pretty hard to do worst than the star wars prequels. 

>INB4 someone says they like the prequels
Get the fuck out you don't know shit about star wars. 


  1. IIRC those two guys wrote fantasy stories or something like that that looks nearly identical to the biblican fanfiction the Mormons have. Do I get a cookie?

    Also yesterday I rewatched Episode 3 and it was even worse shit that I remember it being.

    1. Yeah that's them, but you get rice krispie treats and jello instead.

      Yeah it's pretty bad, and that's the "good one".

  2. I was raised mormon, I feel your pain.

    1. Did you ever make it into the Melchizedek preisthood? I only got to the Aaronic priesthood and Deaconship so I didn't get to learn the special magic blessings they do. Still had more authority than the women though even though I was 12.

    2. I don't think so I finally got out when I was a priest, it's hard to remember all the things. I'm guessing you don't live in utah, must be nice.

    3. I live in the State of Deseret, the presence of the church can still be felt where I live unfortunately. So you were about sixteen when you left then?

    4. I think I was 18

  3. oh you silly Americans with your silly religions

    1. Oh pie and baseball.

    2. i meant to say that Europe is more homogeneous in this aspect, at least eastern Europe- only christianity and barely anyone cares about that, too

      ya know, referencing to the constant yoorop vs murrica argument

      secret clubhouse

      us gamers huh

      wink wink

  4. Episodes 2 and 3 were shit, but 1 actually had some good moments if you gloss over the entirety of Coruscant. They also had the perfect balance of CG in that one (the lightsabers alone looked better than anywhere else in the series)

    1. And all scenes with Jar Jar and "Annie"

    2. So you have to block out a third of a movie to enjoy it?

    3. Yes. The other third has Qui-Gon.

    4. The character who not even Liam Neeson could save?

    5. I just saw him as Liam Neeson in space. That was enough for me.

  5. You ought to take Ching-Chong to see "The Book of Mormon" if it ever flies by your town.

    I'm sure she'll love it.

    1. But if I do that she'll expect me to go down on her. Because that's what plays are for right? Getting oral sex from your partner?

    2. You don't go down on your yandere?

  6. Another AnonymousMay 22, 2012 at 8:24 PM

    Yes, but only beforeplays.

    1. Goddamnit, this fucking site.
      You know where I meant to reply.

  7. The only thing about the clone wars that interests me is how they'll handle Order 66.

    1. I would think they would use blasters.

    2. Which makes them all very lucky idiots, at least according to HK-47.

      What I meant is, its a cartoon show, that will inevitably end. Now its entirely possible that the storyline will reach Order 66, so I don't know how, what is essentially a children's show, will handle treason and outright murder. Not to mention that the clones have been painted in a pretty favorable light. On the other hand, I'd gladly pay money if they put a scene in where Jar-Jar and Ahsoka get ventilated.

    3. You mean you don't like goggles?

    4. What /co/ calls Ahsoka when they fap to rule 34.

    5. I see. I don't go to /co/ much. And I find her to be an irritating child.

  8. She probably thinks you don't want to marry her.

    1. If that were true would I still be alive or allowed to walk around freely?

  9. completely unrelated but, would you move to Korea with ching-chong if she had to move back?

    1. That's a really hard question man. I mean I don't know the language at all and I probably wouldn't assimilate very well. I also assume we'd not have the blessing of her parents, because they're sort of dicks. So that could complicate things. Though if she really had no choice, I'd have to say yes.

      Lucky for me she probably plans to stay in the good old US of A. She say's she likes it here and my family though a bit of a drive away enjoys her.

      Why do you ask though?

    2. My ex was a Korean who came here for school and had to move back after graduation thus ending our relationship. I'd definitely date Korean again though.

    3. Well, the better question would be if he would have the possibility to choose if this situation occurs, wouldn't it?
