Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sorry I haven't posted lately guys. Things have been kind busy since me and Ching Chong are trying to study for finals. Keyword trying, because for me it was like

And on Ching Chong's end it was like.

Anyways after coitus we started watching Toradora! She refers to Ami as the blue haired bitch. 

Not sure what else to say. We'll we're going to see The Avengers on opening day on the 4th. So I'll probably write a post for that.


  1. What're you studying, anon?

    by the way, that date with Ching Chong Jr. went okay, but there were some complications. Then I just dropped it.

    1. Psychology, I'ma be a probation officer.

      What kind of complications?

    2. Well, I just came to the conclusion that she just wanted to be friends. I invited her to a few things afterwards, but she ended up having tests and whatnot. I always noticed that she never really made any counter-offers or anything though. Well, most recently, she did.

      >She texted "Oh, but you should come to this concert afterwards!"
      > "okay, gimme the time and place."
      > 2 hours later "Sorry, I'm not going anymore"
      > Next day at work, "Sorry anon, my guy friend didn't want to go."
      > nope.jpg
      > Then I stop giving her lots of attention and start talking to other people, and now she's craving for some attention.

    3. > Then I stop giving her lots of attention and start talking to other people, and now she's craving for some attention.

      Hope you enjoy living in her basement.

  2. >Feeling down
    >Come to this blog
    >Hope to see a new post
    >There isn't one
