Friday, October 21, 2011

How does such a large libidio fit into such a small body?

Sup guys. Things were pretty uneventfull until yesterday. Well I found a pair of black pants, a long sleeved shirt, and a mask. So I could make a crappy venom costume to go with Ching Chong's spiderman costume. Yeah looking forward to that, but that's not why I'm posting.

I'm posting because Ching Chong finnally got revenge on me for playing that CD I made with the Steel Panther songs on it. I first noticed something was wrong when the song Lick my pussy came up, then there was a remix of I Touch Myself, followed by Sweetest Ass in the world, ending with Shut up and Sleep with me.

HFW she was singing all those songs. My body is not ready.


  1. You better give her what she wants. Or at the very least let her take what she wants when she wants it.

  2. Well, it could be worse.

    She COULD be a large Russian wrestler.

  3. She made a CD begging you for sex?
    Sounds good to me.

  4. Oy, Kitten guy, enable anonymous posting on your blog you motherfucker.

  5. My body is just not ready man. Going to have to turn to science for help with this. Also proably going to have to talk to her about this. The weekend was strenous and my face still stings. I think I'm going to have to talk to her about certain behaviors.

  6. You know what you need? Dragon dildos, a whole box of them. Also, what was the fallout from the slap? Let us know how the talk goes.

  7. Work out some more to be able to handle the regime she wants to put you through?
