Sunday, October 9, 2011

Underwear vomit lesbian flirtation day

So today was shopping day. I had to buy some new socks and underwear, the socks were expected because I have these calluses on my feet that make me wear through them really fast. However the underwear was not expected. I seem to be "losing" them. I attempted to interrogate Ching Chong but that only ended in her telling me I needed to buy some nicer looking ones anyway. Well someone she did manage to convince me to bring her along to help me pick out some new boxers. Of course I had to make a stop before we went to the mall. Remember how I told you Ching Chong has no friends? Well I figured maybe a hobby would giver her something constructive to do besides fawn over me. So I drove to one of those hobby shops they have around here. They had some really cool stuff there. Like train models, plane models, tanks, cars, boats, spaceships, kites, and even Gundam models. There was this Zaku one I wanted really badly but it was kind of expensive and Ching Chong didn't want to buy it at all. She didn't care for anything in there at all. I did though. I was as happy as meth junkie in a trailer park. However Ching Chong was impatient and really wanted to go buy underwear so she grew tired of my antics and actually grabbed me by the ear at one point and started dragging me away from the Panzer IV Ausführung H I was looking at. I don't think anyone at the store has seen a full grown man being draged away by a woman who barely reaches 5 feet.

It probably looked like this

Well anyways as I stopped trying to resist and did eventually cooperate with her. Got into my car and we drove off to the mall. So we got there and headed off for one of the clothing stores there. I can't remember the name, all those places look and sound the same to me. Anyways we're walking around there and before we even get to where the socks and underwear Ching Ching starts grabbing shirts and pants and telling me I should try them on. I was tempted to do so to amuse her but I came up with a better idea and told her we'd go for some cinnabons after this. That shut her up and we were able to get my socks and underwear without any hijinks's. The whole walking towards the other side of the mall where the food court was she was as giddy as fuck. Seriously it was like she was on drugs. Anyways we get there and as soon as we get the cinnabuns she picks up the box and runs over to the table and starts eating one of the four in the box.

The woman at the cash register gives me a smile and says "she really likes sweet things huh". I nod and say "Well she's got to fuel that sweet personality of hers some how" as I pull out a twenty and hand it to her. The Woman looks over at Ching Chong, "sweet personality huh", she says as she gets the change out of the register. She takes out a pen and quickly writes something on one of the bills. "Tell her my name's Clarissa (not her actual name), and that I like sweet thing too" she says as she hands me my change. On said bill is what I assume to be her phone number. As I walk to the table Ching Chong is sitting at I stuff the bill and the rest of the change in my pocket. Ching Chong is licking some of the frosting off her fingers as she had finished her first cinnabon. She looks at me while still liking her fingers and asks what I was talking about with the cash register lady about. Thinking on my feet I say the first thing that comes to my mind, "She uh said your hair looked pretty". Ching Chong looks back over to Clarissa, "her hair looks nice too". A mental sigh of releif as Ching Chong starts on her second cinnabun. There were four in the box and she ate three of them. Now those things each have about 730 calories in them, which means she ate over 2000 calories of nothing but sugar in one sitting. Keep that in mind.

Anyways after we were done Ching Chong actually waved over to Clarissa and yelled out that she liked her hair too before we left (False hope was given). Well we started driving away from the mall and Ching Chong starts complaining of stomach pains. So I pull over into a parking lot, as soon as we're parked Ching Chong opens the passenger door and vomits onto the asphalt.

After she does this a couple times I pat her on the back and ask if she's okay. She looks at me and says it was totally worth it.

So in conclusion
>Ching Chong is probably stealing my boxers and doing godbearjesus knows what with them
>She does not care for cool hobbies like building model tanks
>She will eat sugary treats until she vomits and still want more

Oh I also taught her how to torrent things.



  1. Why not tell her the nice lady likes her? You could get to watch (I say watch, because I doubt she would want to share you with someone else) and she seems like the type who would do it to make you happy. Or do you not want to do it because it would make her uncomfortable or unhappy?

  2. The latter and by uncomfortable or unhappy I mean depressed or furious. Ever she'll cry thinkg she "failed" me in some way, or she'll just try and strangle me. Plus I'm not share I'ld be comfortable with sharing Ching Chong ever.

  3. Yeah, sharing her would be pretty weird considering what she's like...

    It'd be like emotionally blackmailing her into sexual abuse or something.

  4. >godbearjesus

    You frequent /cwc/, brah?
