Sunday, December 18, 2011

Good night sweet prince

So I learned today Dear Leader is dead, my condolences to Best Korea. Because it looks like their new leader is a Korean chris chan, may the gods have mercy on them.

Anyways I excitedly told Ching Chong and she didn't even know who Kim Jung-il was. I was astounded that she didn't know who was leading Best Korea. She really had no idea who he was. Shamefurr dispray. She's watching the news right now making gasping noises every so often. She thinks he died of fan death, which is actually a thing in Korea. I'm serious look it up they actually believe in that. Now in memory of the passing of dear leader a song is required.


  1. RIP dearest leader!

  2. Thanks for sharing this news.

    Now, I'm off to go hide in my missile shelter.

