Saturday, November 5, 2011

I need to learn Hangugmal

Hey guys. Things are going go with us here. Ching Chong is still eating the leftover Halloween candy so far the past few days she's been in a really good mood. Well until Friday morning that is. We were taking our weekly constitutional like normal although it was far more windy then usual. Unfortunately for Ching Chong she'd decided to wear this blue skirt of hers which seeing as the elements are giant perverts caused her a bit of trouble. I mean at first it was fine because it was just me and her and I was teasing her while she tried to keep her skirt down and simotanelous hide her blushing. But as went further we encountered a group of punk ass kids. There were three of them, all around the age of fifteen or sixteen. Why they were there I'm not sure. When I was their age I was doing much more productive things then loitering in a park. Things like smoking cannabis in basements, driving around in cars with friends while playing the music obnoxiously loud, or having sex in the marching band room. You know, character building activities. Well anyways they spotted Ching Chong and her trying to maintain her decency. They of course hollered and wolf-whistled at her to hide their faggotry. Before I could do anything Ching Chong sprang into action. Screaming threats at the top of her lungs, with all too familiar rage.

Pic is related, it's one of the more polite things she said. They promptly got the fuck out of there. I of applauded her behavior telling her that she was quite gangsta. Ching Chong wasn't pleased with her performance though. She blamed herself for the actions of the punks, saying if she had just worn something else that this wouldn't have happened.  So the way back home was me convincing her that she wasn't a "slutty whore" as she put it. She was a little resistant but I eventually convinced her.

Well anyways later that night we were both in the mood and I got to use some of that information other anons provided me when dinning at the Y. Now maybe it was because I had warmed her up with that or maybe it was something else, but whatever caused it the sex was great. She was actually drooling afterwards. That ahegao face, seriously.

It just feels so good to give her that. She also said something afterwards in her native tongue. She wouldn't tell me what it meant but if I had to guess based on the context it probably had something to do with my cock or ability to produce sexual pleasure. It sounded something like "nan dangsin anaeyiyo". Which I'm not sure how to translate that. I'm not sure if anyone reading knows how to speak Korean but everyone would appreciate it if you could solve this mystery.


  1. Haha, ah man that's absolutely hilarious.
    And do tell us what the kind anons told you to do while "dining at the Y," so your readers can utilize this knowledge as well!

  2. Glad to see our advice worked!

    "And do tell us what the kind anons told you to do while "dining at the Y," so your readers can utilize this knowledge as well!"


    I posted the image about proper eating etiquette. It makes the rounds on /adv/ every so often and is very, very useful.

  3. I think she said "I'm inside you" in Korean. I kept repeating "nan dangsin anaeyiyo" in my head and I think that's what it means. Hope this helps!

  4. I think it's adorable when girls drool after sex

  5. I'm so jealous of your relationship!! Why can't I get an SO like you? I'm a bit like her, but most people see me as too manic to deal with :( Sigh. Forever alone.

  6. There there anon I'm sure you'll find someone someday. If you're anything like Ching Chong anyone would be lucky to have you. And unlike me they hopefully won't have a history of heart disease and cancer in their family.
