Monday, January 16, 2012

Ching Chong is beyond therapy isn't she?

So one of you anon's asked me to to Ching Chong about my dream. Well I did that but first I'd like to share another story. 

>Ching Chong is happily cooking lunch
>Not sure what it was, forgot to ask the name
>Do ask her what's the special occasion is
>She calls it "Black King guy day"
>"You mean MLK day"
>"Yeah that one. If he didn't beat up the sheet knights we wouldn't be able to be together"
>"Sheet knights? You mean the Klan."
>"Yeah the one with all the K's." 
This went on for a little while but to summarize. A keynote this was what Ching Chong actually believed
>MLK was actually a monarch of black people
>The KKK were actual knights with swords, armor, and steeds
>George Wallace was an evil wizard who killed black people with magic
>The South was a Medieval land during the civil rights era
>She thought this was all true because she thought rural was synonymous with feudal. 

And it gets even weirder. So once I explained why she was mistaken in her assumptions of american history. I told her about my dream. She just looked at me for a second and asked if I was sure it wasn't about going on vacation to the beach. She wasn't at all worried that dream her killed someone. No she was wondering why I didn't have the same dream as her. Because apparently that was what was suppose to happen. I didn't even bother to ask her why she would think we have the ability to share dreams. I don't think my ribs would have been able to take it. 


  1. Yeah, you're fucked.

  2. How did she take you laughing at her?

  3. She made me look it up on wikipedia to prove it. Actually did a pit of a pouty routine. I think I need to do something to get back at her. Make her freak out. Suggestions?

  4. Tell her you're pregnant and don't know who the father is.

  5. Don't ever think about leave her.

    Give your cellphone number to someone Ching Chong doesn't know and make him call you at a certain time every couple days. And everyday you go talk with that person in some place Ching Chong can't hear. If she come close, you just stop talking and ask her if she needs anything and then go away to talk again.

    Oh! If possible deny sex sometimes, cause you know that's her way to know how the things are going.

    Hope she don't kill you until you come here and tell us that experience. DON'T DIE. Seriously, if you die you would'nt be able to post anymore.

  6. >Oh! If possible deny sex sometimes, cause you know that's her way to know how the things are going.

    Read the rest of the blog. Denying Ching-chong sex would be like slapping a bear in the face.

  7. >Sheet knights

    oh fuck, my day is MADE.

  8. I'll give her props, at least she has a good grasp on George Wallace. He was an evil bastard who let black people be killed. That's more than I knew until AA History II.

  9. >Deny sex to Ching Chong
    That's terrible anon just terrible.
    >Telling her I'm pregnant
    Yes that should prove suitable in confounding her.

  10. That's why you should deny sex and recieve some secret calls. Turn her into a real psycho yandere!

  11. You need to hire two friends to hide in your house or whatever as you break the news. Make it go like this:

    "Ching-Chong, I'm pregnant - and I don't know who the father is!"
    >Friend #1 Jumps out of nearby closet
    Friend #1 :"Ohhhhh nooooooo!"
    Friend #2 (from hidden location): "DUN DUN DUHNNNNNNN!"

    1. I like it! But then again the basis of this idea is mine, so that's not surprising.

    2. Too lazy to involve other people.
