Wednesday, January 4, 2012

In a cave with a box of scraps

So I downloaded Katawa Shoujo recently. I got Ching Chong to play it with me, although she made me disable adult content. That seafood.

Anyway we tried to go for the Hanako route but we ended up with Emi. Not sure how it happened exactly. Ever we avoided the bad ends for the routes. I think the trick is keep taking risks that can make you have a heart attack again. To win a persons heart in the game you must risk your own. It was fun though. Ching Chong really got into it. In fact she actually pushed me out of the way when I was going to make a choice she didn't agree with. We also became science bros with the teacher. So that probably means we'll make a new artificial heart and cyborg legs. Also Kenji is a freeloader who steals books from the library, fuck him.

We're going to try for Lily next because we want to find out why she and Shizune dislike each other so much. Plus she seemed to be a pretty classy lady.


  1. With Lily there are so many routes to choose after Act 1, I got the good ending but where in the hell do the other choices lead? Also, Shizune's ending when you fuck up made me sad as shit.

  2. Yeah, the bad ending I got involved her leaving to scotland forever.

    Feels bad man.

    Haven't tried the other Lily paths though, just the bad end and the good end.

  3. This game made me feel so much envy. sadamphinian.jpg

  4. Play Rin last. I played her first, kinda screwed up my emotional response to the rest.

    According to some people on /v/ you have to be a bit... out of it yourself to like Rin and her route best.

    but man... <3
