Sunday, January 1, 2012

Glad I have today off

New Years was Rocketship spectacular to say the least. At first when we got there Ching Chong was pretty shy around everyone. She was actually hiding behind me for awhile, holding on to the back of my shirt like a frightened child. Which lead to a couple of comments about that. 

Anyway we eventually all sat around in a circle and listened to the wise African sage (the token black guy in our group) as he told us the origin of Kwanzaa. For a pacifist MLK sure did slay a lot of dragons. 

After which the party officially started with drinking and dancing. Ching Chong was well. Her dancing was not good to say the least. Like at first I was just wondering if she was having a seizure or something. So trying to get her to follow the beat was pretty fun. Also got her to make a bit of small talk with some other people but she made socially awkward Penguin look like some kind of alpha animal. I then got the glorious idea to give her some of the eggnog which had liquid courage in it, in order to make her feel more comfortable. Well it had some pretty hard liquor in it. I think it might have been gin or maybe rum. Hard to tell with the taste of eggnog. However the point is that it was a tad stronger than what she's drank before. 

Pretty soon she was drunk as hell. Which wasn't too bad as she was a very happy drunk. Almost childlike in nature, it was adorable. She also started talking a lot more, in fact I think she may have forgotten how to shut up. Because we soon discovered she would answer whatever you ask her or turn bright red and say "that's private and mine, you can't have it". It was pretty funny. Then the vomiting started. Which was not enjoyable. 

She got a pretty bad hangover to say the least. Which meant we had to go out to a restaurant and eat some menudo. I think it worked pretty well for her. Especially since we got the red variant, not that shitty blanco stuff they serve in Sonora. Seriously 
>not putting crushed red chili peppers in your menduo


  1. >I think it might have been gin or maybe rum. Hard to tell with the taste of eggnog.

    Who the bloody fuck would EVER put gin in eggnog? That's disgusting.

  2. >Turning your little yandere waifu into a social alcoholic so you don't get embarressed by her.

    Easy there buddy, you don't want her doing something you'd both regret.

  3. >"that's private and mine, you can't have it"

    Tell us what question she answer with that line.

  4. Gonna do a combo breaker here and NOT >imply.

    Nice to know you had an interesting night though. I kinda just sat at home like an asshole and read a book to my girlfriend.

    Vyro has no social life.

  5. >Vyro has no social life.

    Christ Vyro, can you be any more fucking depressing?

    Just give your girlfriend to DareDevil. You know, a REAL man.

    Happy new years to all you faggots. Even Nat, may that poor bastard rest in piece.

  6. >Something we'd both regret
    But she's adorable when drunk. Though considering how she didn't like the hang over effects she might just stay away on her accord.

    A couple actually. There was the "what color undwear question", "have you given oral", "have you recieved oral", "buttsex", "Ever kissed a girl", and oddly enough "when was the first time you felt attracted to anon".

    I wish I could say I didn't see that coming Vyro.
