Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fucking dream land

So I don't usually remember my dreams but when I do they're weird as fuck.

>Dream is sometime in the near future
>Guess I told Ching Chong at some point to see a therapist for some help
>She comes home her face smeared with blood
>What happened to you? I ask
>Therapist suggested we spend time apart, this was unacceptable, she had to removed. 
>You kill her?
>Yes, for us.
>You can't just go around killing people.
>Because you just can't, trust me I'm an expert on this. 

>Then she flung me over her shoulder and started walking to a basement that does not exist

>Then I woke up. 

Ching Chong's face was hovering over me, smiling. She said I looked cute when I was sleeping. Then she asked me if I had any good dreams.

I'm scared guys.


  1. This would be the time when someone links to a picture of a mirror with the words "YOU'RE NEXT" smeared on it in a red substance that may or may not be ketchup.

    You'll be fine, bro. Just a weird dream.
    Though if you find her boiling a bunny, you better get the fuck out of there.

  2. Imagine this in a creepy demonic whisper and you'll be able to get what I'm saying when I say "SHE'S WATCHING YOU!"

  3. I swear by all that is holy that if you disappear without a trace I'll only date the most vanilla girls I can find from now on. these dreamgirls really are too good to be true.

    dis is like my chinese comics, yo, and that ain't cool

    1. Don't say that anon crazy girls are great. They're easy because they rape you, they have low self esteem because they have an obsessive attraction to you, they'll usually kill or cripple you before you get bored, and think about all the free scars you get. Not to mention they'll probably give you a good funeral.

    2. And this is a bad thing?

  4. You sure you weren't having a premonition of the future?

  5. But we don't have a basement in our apartment. Also I don't think she can carry me over her shoulder. Now I kind of want to try and get her to do that.

  6. Welp. You're fucked.

    Say hello to Nat for me.

  7. Ching chong knows about this blog? She read it? If not, tell her your dream and see her reaction then come tell us.

    Oh, almost forgot to tell you that you're fucked.
